What Exactly Does CrowdStrike Do?

In the rapidly changing landscape of cybersecurity, CrowdStrike has emerged as a key player. Established in 2011, this American cybersecurity technology company specializes in endpoint security, threat intelligence, and cyberattack response services. But what exactly does CrowdStrike do? Let’s explore the core products and services, technological innovations, and strategic approaches that define CrowdStrike.

Comprehensive Endpoint Security

At the heart of CrowdStrike’s operations is its Falcon platform, a cloud-native endpoint protection solution. Endpoint security is crucial because it involves protecting devices such as computers, mobile devices, and servers that are frequently targeted by cybercriminals. The Falcon platform stands out for its use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to provide next-generation antivirus (NGAV), endpoint detection and response (EDR), and managed threat hunting.

Next-Generation Antivirus (NGAV)

Traditional antivirus solutions rely on signature-based detection, which can be insufficient against sophisticated threats. Falcon’s NGAV, however, employs AI to identify and block known and unknown threats in real-time. This advanced approach helps prevent malware, ransomware, and other complex attacks.

Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)

Falcon’s EDR capabilities offer continuous monitoring and analysis of endpoint activities to detect any suspicious behavior. When an anomaly is detected, the system alerts security teams, providing detailed information to investigate and respond effectively. This proactive feature is essential for mitigating potential breaches before they cause significant damage.

Managed Threat Hunting

Falcon OverWatch, CrowdStrike’s managed threat hunting service, involves a team of experts who proactively search for threats within an organization’s network. This human-led service ensures that even the most sophisticated threats are identified and neutralized promptly.

Advanced Threat Intelligence

CrowdStrike’s threat intelligence service, known as CrowdStrike Falcon X, provides actionable insights into the latest cyber threats. Falcon X integrates threat intelligence with endpoint protection, offering several significant benefits:

Automated Analysis

Falcon X automates malware analysis and threat detection processes, significantly reducing the time required to understand an attack. This efficiency enables security teams to respond more quickly and effectively.

Contextual Threat Data

The service provides detailed information about threat actors and their tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs). This contextual data helps organizations understand the broader threat landscape and adapt their defenses accordingly.

Custom Intelligence Reports

CrowdStrike offers tailored intelligence reports that focus on specific industries or threats relevant to an organization. These reports are invaluable for companies aiming to stay ahead of emerging threats.

Effective Incident Response and Proactive Services

Beyond prevention and detection, CrowdStrike excels in incident response, helping organizations quickly recover from cyberattacks and strengthen their defenses. Key components of CrowdStrike’s incident response include:

Rapid Response

When a breach occurs, CrowdStrike’s team of experts is available 24/7 to assist organizations in containing and mitigating the attack. Their rapid response efforts help minimize damage and reduce downtime.

Forensic Investigation

CrowdStrike conducts thorough forensic investigations to determine how an attack occurred, which systems were compromised, and what data was accessed. This information is crucial for understanding the breach and preventing future incidents.

Proactive Services

CrowdStrike offers proactive services such as penetration testing, compromise assessments, and cybersecurity maturity assessments. These services help organizations identify vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by attackers.

Cloud-Native Architecture

A distinctive feature of CrowdStrike’s technology is its cloud-native architecture, which offers several advantages over traditional on-premises solutions:


The cloud-native design allows CrowdStrike’s solutions to scale effortlessly with an organization’s needs. Whether a company has hundreds or thousands of endpoints, the Falcon platform can handle the load without performance degradation.

Real-Time Updates

Threat landscapes change rapidly, and staying up-to-date is crucial. CrowdStrike’s cloud-based platform ensures that all clients receive real-time updates and patches, enhancing security without manual intervention.

Global Threat Intelligence

Operating in the cloud allows CrowdStrike to aggregate and analyze data from millions of endpoints worldwide. This global visibility provides a comprehensive view of emerging threats, enabling faster detection and response.

Strategic Partnerships and Integrations

CrowdStrike has built a robust ecosystem of strategic partnerships and integrations to enhance its capabilities. Collaborations with major technology companies such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure allow CrowdStrike to integrate its solutions seamlessly with popular cloud platforms. These partnerships ensure that organizations can secure their cloud environments using the same powerful tools that protect their on-premises infrastructure.

Commitment to Innovation

Innovation is a cornerstone of CrowdStrike’s strategy. The company invests heavily in research and development to stay ahead of cyber threats. By leveraging AI, machine learning, and big data analytics, CrowdStrike continually enhances its products and services. This commitment to innovation is reflected in the company’s ability to detect and prevent sophisticated attacks that often bypass traditional security measures.


CrowdStrike’s comprehensive approach to cybersecurity makes it a leader in the industry. By combining advanced endpoint protection, threat intelligence, and incident response with a cloud-native architecture, CrowdStrike offers robust and scalable solutions to protect organizations from the ever-increasing threat of cyberattacks. Its commitment to innovation and strategic partnerships further solidify its position as a trusted partner in cybersecurity. For any organization looking to enhance its security posture, understanding and leveraging CrowdStrike’s offerings can be a game-changer in the battle against cyber threats.

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